Our monastic Divine Office follows the format established by St. Benedict in his Rule, and is sung in traditional English from the Monastic Diurnal and the Pre-Tridentine Monastic Offices.

Unless interrupted by a Greater Feast or Solemnity with appointed Psalms, the entire Psalter is prayed “in course” every week, divided among Matins, Lauds, Prime, Terce, Sext, None, Vespers, and Compline. In Matins, Lauds, Vespers, and Compline the Psalter is accompanied by Canticles from the other books of the Old Testament and the Gospels.

The Offices also include hymns composed by -- or in the style of -- St. Ambrose of Milan along with the Kyrie eleison, Lord’s Prayer, and prayers appropriate to the day.

Participation in our worship

All persons of good will are welcome to be present spiritually with the monks during worship services.

Monastic worship, while joyful, is conducted in a contemplative atmosphere.

In keeping with Orthodox theology and Canon Law, only Orthodox Christians who have properly prepared by fasting and prayer are able to receive the Holy Communion. This is done by approaching the Chalice with one’s arms crossed over the chest, opening one’s mouth widely, and extending the tongue slightly so that the priest may place the Body and Blood of Christ on it.

Non-Orthodox persons are welcome to come forward during the distribution of Holy Communion and ask the priest for a blessing.


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